
保单号码: 2.11

政策部分: 学术事务

修订日期: 2024年4月29日

1.  政策声明

It is the policy of the University to award tenure to faculty that have achieved significant distinction and achievement in the areas of research/creative activity and 教学 and to recognize that it is an immensely important decision – both for the faculty member in question and for the long-term academic quality of the University.

2.  目的

本政策的目的是定义和概述终身教职和终身教职人员的晋升和终身教职过程. The principal factors to be considered in the evaluations for promotion and tenure are (a) distinction in research or equivalent creative activity in the arts (hereafter research/creative activity) and (b) effective 教学. 对大学和专业有价值的服务将被考虑在晋升和授予终身教职时, 但不能代替研究/创造性活动和教学的主要因素. 

3.  职级及任期

  1. 助理教授的职位要求有可能达到晋升和终身任职的标准.
  2. 终身教职授予那些在研究/创造性活动中表现突出,在教学中表现突出或质量高的教师. Each department or school should have guidelines that provide greater clarity as to what constitutes outstanding research/creative activity in a given discipline and outstanding or high quality 教学. 不能仅仅根据学术潜力授予终身教职. 在研究/创造性活动和教学中表现出的成就是必不可少的. 任期不能自动获得,而必须经过下文所述的审议程序并经董事会最后批准才能获得. 获得终身教职后,助理教授晋升为副教授.
  3. 在某些情况下,由于在另一所大学(通常没有任期)或其他机构延长服务, 最初的任命可能是副教授级别,没有终身职位. 该职位的候选人应在研究/创造性活动方面有突出成就,并有可能达到终身任职的标准.
  4. 教授是教员所能企及的最高职位. 不应假定在任何特定的服务年数之后就会自动晋升到这一职级. 也不应该假设所有教员都能达到这个排名. It should be reserved for those persons whose research/creative activity is recognized by members of the professional field as outstanding and sustained and whose 教学 as judged by students and peers is outstanding or of sustained high quality. It is generally expected that candidates for promotion to professor will have a more substantial service record than candidates for promotion to associate professor with tenure who have primarily focused on their research/creative activity and 教学.
  5. 在2022年之前为助理或助理级别的教师, the requirements for consideration for tenure and promotion as stipulated in the policy in effect at the time of the faculty member's initial appointment will continue through the 2026-2027 academic year.  在此期间,对于2022年之前聘用的助理教授,将继续实行延长1年的政策.  当根据该版本的政策不再可能考虑终身任用和晋升时,将删除这一段.

4.  三年级复习

如聘用时最初的三年合同所述, 在助理教授第三年的春季学期,对其获得终身教职的进展进行评估. 这些检讨是根据各学校的内部政策在校内进行. 通过第三年评审的候选人将获得第二份合同. 未续聘的助理教授,可再聘一年(终年)。.

5.  晋升及任期程序

  1. 正常情况下, 任期审查过程在候选人的第六年或在最初的聘任书中指定的时间进行. Full-time service in the ranks of Instructor and Assistant Professor is counted in the probationary period leading to mandatory action by the University either promoting the individuals to tenure rank or notifying them that they will not be promoted.
  2. 晋升为副教授后,考虑晋升为教授的时间没有规定. 获得终身教职的副教授可以申请晋升为系主任. 系主任, 在咨询了系里的正教授之后, 如果该教员明显不符合晋升标准,可以选择拒绝该教员的要求. 如果请求被拒绝, 系主任必须就案件进行的必要步骤向教员提供反馈. 除了, 副教授可以向院长提出上诉,院长将对是否启动晋升程序做出最终决定. 在没有院系或同等机构的学校里, 副教授可以要求被考虑提升为院长,也可以向教务长提出上诉,教务长将做出最终决定. 该教员连续年度不得考虑晋升.
  3. 与行动相关的信息和支持文件由教师和其他人员根据学校和大学的规定进行收集. These documents should include the evaluation of the candidate’s research or creative activity by at least six external reviewers with at least three reviewers suggested by the department or school. 审稿人的最终名单必须由院长在考虑审稿人及其机构的质量后批准. 审稿人的名单不应该包括导师, 以前的教授, 直接的合作者, 或合著者. 教学评估应包括学生和教师同事的评估.
  4. 按照学校和大学的程序, 文件由部门审核(如适用), 院长咨询委员会, 院长. 在评估过程的每个阶段, 应该有完整的文件来评估候选人的研究/创造性活动, 教学, 以及在服务大学和专业方面的成就. All promotion and tenure cases must be reviewed by the Dean even if the department or department chair is not in favor of promoting and/or granting tenure to the candidate. 院长提交建议, 无论是积极的还是消极的, 2月1日之前交Give教务长.
  5. 教务长与教务长咨询委员会一起审查院长的建议和文件, 由教务长任命的教员委员会. 教务长向校长提出积极或消极的建议.


6.  上诉

  1. 院长的否定建议必须在三周内向教务长提出上诉.
  2. 教务长的否定建议必须在三周内向校长提出上诉.
  3. 校长作出的否定决定为最终决定,不得向校董会提出上诉.

 上述管理人员可以使用他们的咨询委员会或 特别的 就上诉事项提供意见的委员会. 未获得终身职位的候选人有权再工作一年(结束年)。. Candidates that choose not to go through the tenure review process will not be granted an additional year beyond their current contract as they already have a full year remaining on their contract to seek employment elsewhere.

7.  提前考虑租期

只有在候选人在满足上述终身任职标准方面取得异常迅速进展的情况下,才鼓励进行早期审查. 理由应该清晰而有说服力. 提前考虑的申请必须得到院长和教务长的批准. 如第5节所述,候选人将经历正常的终身教职过程. 拒绝提前任职将使候选人无法再次被考虑,因为这是最终决定.

在此策略的先前版本中, 在2022年之前加入新大的候选人可以被考虑不止一次.  对于2022年之前聘用的所有教员,都适用前一项政策.  当晋升为终身副教授不可能被考虑超过一次时,此段将被删除.

8.  延长试用期

Faculty members may request extensions of their probationary period in cases where circumstances have arisen to interfere substantially with the research or creative activity of the faculty member.  这种情况可能包括个人或家庭紧急情况(例如.g. life-threatening illness of the faculty member or a member of his/her immediate family) or problems beyond the faculty member’s control relating to his/her research or creative activity (e.g. 延迟一个学期或更长时间使用实验室空间进行研究). 

由于生育和/或育儿假而延长属于不同的类别,并在大学政策2中讨论.14、教师家庭和病假. 试用期延长的累计不得超过二年, 无论导致延期的各种情况如何. 这些延长包括因分娩或育儿假造成的延长.  当教员延长试用期时,不期望有额外的生产力.

Requests to extend the probationary period for reasons other than childbirth and/or parental leave will be granted if they are deemed to be both fair to the faculty member making 请求 and the University and consistent with personnel practices generally applicable to other candidates for tenure in the University.  这些要求必须由教员以书面形式提出,并且必须在终身制审查程序开始之前提交. 申请必须清楚地说明该教员的情况可能证明延长试用期是合理的.  在大多数情况下,请求将通过系主任转发Give院长.  如果院长支持该请求, 请求, 还有院长的正式背书, 然后交Give教务长进行进一步审查.  如果院长不支持该请求, 该教员将得到通知,并可自由寻求教务长对该请求的进一步审查.  在所有情况下,延长试用期的决定将由教务长作出.  申请获得批准后,教师将收到书面通知.

9.  缩短和加速终身教职审查

当一个候选人被考虑聘用为具有终身职位的高级职位时, 一个简短的或加速的任期审查是必要的. 这些审查的过程类似于正常的终身教职审查. An abbreviated review is used in cases where the prospective faculty member’s proposed rank is the same as the faculty member’s current rank and the stature of the institution where the prospective faculty member achieved the current rank is at the level of SMU 或更高版本. 在这种情况下, 评审人员推荐的三封推荐信作为评审过程中的外部信.

An accelerated review is used in cases where the prospective faculty member’s proposed rank is higher than the faculty member’s current rank or the stature of the institution where the prospective faculty member achieved the current rank is not at the level of SMU 或更高版本. 在这种情况下, evaluations from at least three independent external reviewers selected by the department is required in addition to the three letters from reviewers or references selected by the candidate.

加快招聘进程, abbreviated or accelerated reviews may occur at any time of year and the members of the Dean’s or Provost’s advisory committees may provide their evaluations to the Dean or Provost respectively solely through written communications. 院长或教务长可自行决定召开讨论该案件的会议.

在特殊情况下, 新大现有教员也有资格被考虑加速(而不是缩短)晋升和/或终身教职评审. Eligibility for requesting an accelerated review includes a written offer letter that includes a promise for a promotion step upon hire (to either associate or full professor) from an institution with stature at the rank of, 或更高版本, 比SMU. 在这种情况下,院长和教务长将考虑加速晋升的请求. Candidates for accelerated review will go through the same level of rigorous review as in the regular process for consideration of promotion to associate or full professor. 这包括至少六封外部信件(其中一半必须由国内终身教职部门的教师选择), 每个阶段的审查,包括部门/学院/教务长的审查), 还有上诉程序. 唯一的区别是时间线加快了. 与2一致.11.7 .尽早考虑终身教职, 在加速终身任用过程中做出的否定终身任用决定将使候选人无法再次被考虑, 因为这将是最后的决定. 与2一致.11.5(b), 被推荐为负教授的教员不能在被推荐为负教授后的一年内申请.

10. 问题


修改后: 2024年4月29日

采用: 二零零一年十二月七日

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