


What Makes the SMU 数字营销证书 Different?


  • 教练蕾妮·亚当斯

    Email Marketing: Leveraging Your Most Powerful Channel

    蕾妮·亚当斯是LTK的董事, 一家连接有影响力的人的创新公司, 品牌与消费者. Renee has 20+ years’ experience in marketing specializing in CRM, 电子邮件营销, 忠诚营销和客户参与.

    Renee曾为一家酒店忠诚计划和一家大型零售组织管理客户参与战略, 推动店内和网上销售. Renee has overseen many different types of email programs; some having generated a return on investment (ROI) of over 6000% and a 36% increase in revenue.

    Renee is on the Board of the DFW Retail Executives Association. 自2015年秋季以来,她一直在新大教授电子邮件营销,并于2018年被《威尼斯人博彩》评为冉冉升起的品牌之星. 蕾妮拿的是B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication-Advertising from the University of Oklahoma.

    Email Marketing: Leveraging Your Most Powerful Channel

  • 教练Sujoy钱德拉


    Sujoy有15年的工作经验,包括在消费品领域担任战略和营销角色, 零售, and manufacturing industries with experience in North America, 欧洲和亚洲. 他目前在战略营销部门工作. Sujoy收到了他的M.B.A. from Carnegie Mellon University where he studied Marketing and Strategy. He also holds a patent from a product development project for an automotive manufacturer.
    Sujoy的职业生涯始于咨询行业,他帮助电信和金融服务行业的全球客户发展战略能力. As a consultant, he trained over 100 consultants on a variety of technical topics. Sujoy received his undergraduate degree in engineering from the University of Pune, India.


  • 指导员吉姆·大卫

    数字品牌 & 订婚

    吉姆·大卫是leapfleg的首席执行官和创始人.com, 一家社交媒体管理公司, and past department chair of management and marketing at Wade College. Leapfrawg manages social media marketing for multiple businesses and organizations.

    吉姆拿的是M.B.A. 毕业于旧金山州立大学,获得学士学位.BA. 我毕业于德克萨斯理工大学市场营销专业. He is a Board Member of Social Media Breakfast – Dallas. 他是DFW美国营销协会的名誉主席和特殊利益集团的前任执行副总裁. 他是伊斯特菲尔德学院数字成像咨询委员会和DFW创意咨询委员会的成员. After working in the financial industry for several years in 欧洲和亚洲, 他于2001年回到美国,成为商业印刷行业的合伙人. He has been responsible for four start-ups and continues to be an advisor for several others.

    数字品牌 & 订婚

  • 教练汤姆·丹尼斯

    数字品牌 & 订婚

    Tom is VP of Brand Strategy at ExperiPro, a marketing insights and brand strategy firm. 30年来,他将自己对市场营销和销售的热情结合起来,帮助公司精心制作他们的故事, 加强他们的文化, 与他们的目标市场接触. 活跃于社交媒体, 有软件方面的背景, 精美的纸张和印刷, Tom brings a very unique skill set to every client engagement.

    汤姆是美国市场营销协会达拉斯/沃斯堡分会的名誉主席,并帮助该组织转变为全国顶级分会之一. 他目前担任董事会执行副总裁,并领导CMO咨询委员会. 2012年,他被美国营销协会评为“年度全国志愿者”.Tom曾担任西达拉斯商会和达拉斯视觉传播协会的董事会成员. In 2010, Tom是1st Tuesday Connections的联合创始人, 这是德克萨斯州一家非营利组织,致力于为北德克萨斯州的企业家提供教育项目. In 2014, 该集团成为北达拉斯商会的一部分,他继续担任指导委员会成员. 一次拯救一个品牌, Tom is a frequent speaker on the importance of branding and company culture.

    数字品牌 & 订婚

  • 教练史蒂文·哈默


    史蒂夫锤 is the President and Co-Founder of RankHammer, the 2015 U.S. 搜索奖年度小型机构. Steve is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of search marketing, PPC and analytics. In particular, he has been noted as a leader in AdWords Scripts and Google Tag Manager. 史蒂夫在网络媒体和传统营销方面的经验使他能够从战略和长远的角度看待搜索营销. He has achieved extraordinary and sustainable results in several competitive online industries, often exceeding growth rates in excess of 50 percent per year.

    Steve曾担任多个杰出职位,包括ACE Cash Express的搜索营销总监, 搅拌部总经理, 也是巴斯夫的执业化学工程师. 他持有M学位。.B.A. from the prestigious Kellogg School of 管理. As a former VP of the DFWSEM, Steve is very active in the Dallas 搜索 Marketing community. He has spoken at prestigious meetings and conferences including SMX Advanced, Pubcon, ClickZLive, 搜索状态, Ignite eCommerce and Interactive Insights Summit.


  • 教练Sharlene詹纳

    Artificial Intelligence and Personalization for Digital Marketers

    Sharlene詹纳在战略和数字领域拥有超过20年的经验,是营销和人工智能领域的行业专家. She is passionate about developing interactions through emerging technologies that bridge gaps, create opportunities and help companies leverage their strengths for success. She has leadership experience in a variety of industries including hotel/hospitality, 消费品, 小型企业, 零售市场营销, 国内制造业, 她的最新职位是美国心脏协会数字营销和内容全国高级副总裁. 当涉及到将营销策略转化为所有消费者群体的数字组件时,这种多样化的过去给了她独特的视角. 沙琳是一位仆人式领导者,专注于创建高绩效团队,帮助他人取得成功,并在2022年和2024年被评为达拉斯最佳女性领导者.

    Artificial Intelligence and Personalization for Digital Marketers

  • 教练布拉德·麦考密克

    布拉德·B. 麦考密克
    数字营销策略 & 管理

    布拉德·B·麦考密克是 10大声 strategy consulting and founder of BrandTruthWorkshop.com. Brad has over 24 years helping companies build equity and compete in the digital space. 过去的数字客户包括乐高(LEGO), 麦当劳, 联邦快递的办公室, 印地车, 思科, 三星, 诺华制药, 和SmokeyBear. 布拉德教授数字营销策略 & 他是美国市场营销协会DFW分会的前任主席. 

    数字营销策略 & 管理

  • 埃米琳英里


    埃米琳英里 is a creative professional who has spent twenty years as an award-winning writer, 文案, 营销和娱乐. 华特迪士尼公司的资深员工, 埃米琳曾帮助Camp Jam和迪士尼电台等娱乐品牌磨练口头形象, 像Smart Start这样的制造商, 公司., and smaller organizations like the Dallas Music Teachers Association. 在她的每一次创造性的努力中, Emmeline specializes in tailoring narrative to medium, working to help both individuals and corporate entities find their truest voice.

    埃米琳获得了南威尼斯人娱乐城创意写作高级研究生证书, a Master of Liberal Arts from Texas Christian University, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music from Scripps College in Claremont, 加州. She has been published in creative and academic circles, 事实证明,她的项目大大增加了她讲述故事的客户的网络流量. 在她空闲的时候, 她是一名独立音乐家, and is pleased to be a voting member of the Recording Academy.


  • 教练丹·斯特



    Dan has a strong foundation in all phases of digital marketing, with the ability to deliver multichannel business-driving solutions. Dan is well-versed in strategy and ideation development, video production for SEO & 社交媒体和竞争分析. Dan provides proven leadership in directing digital marketing services, 创意设计, and team management across market and target segments.

    丹是DFW搜索引擎营销协会的前任主席和数字职业中心的联合创始人, 这是一家501(c)3非营利组织,旨在帮助一家之主从事数字营销工作.


  • 丽贝卡·维斯孔蒂


    丽贝卡一直在分析部工作 & Marketing space for over 15 years and her professional motto is "Data Inspires Strategy." With a focus on processes and operations built upon the intelligent use of data, she prides herself in steering the strategic direction of the overall business.

    As Vice President of Analytics at January Digital, Rebecca provides the organization with the expertise, development and practical application of fact-based reporting, 分析和分析模型用于增强内部合作伙伴和客户的决策制定. 她领导的部门为组织提供洞察力和归因模型,以提高营销效果和影响力.

    丽贝卡热衷于指导他人,自2012年以来一直在大学任教, where she passes along her passion for analytics and marketing. Outside of work, Rebecca is a mother, avid traveler and sci-fi nerd.


  • 教练Abhi Vyas以及

    Abhi Vyas以及
    Mobile Marketing and Analytics: Strategies, Tactics & 工具

    Abhi Vyas以及是一名在线营销专家,在移动营销领域拥有良好的业绩和创新记录. Abhi的专业知识是基于十多年来在所有在线营销渠道的经验.

    他是SoLoMo(社交网络)的先驱, local and mobile) marketing strategy that represents the convergence of collaborative, 基于位置和移动技术, primarily used for marketing and discovery purposes. Currently, Abhi is Vice President of Marketing at Metromedia Technologies 公司., and a member of the company's Executive Leadership Team. He is responsible for management of the MMT brand and marketing, 包括消费者洞察和分析, 商业和数字营销, 人员配备和发展, 机构管理, 产品品类策略及执行. Abhi是SWIVIO公司的联合创始人,SWIVIO公司专门从事基于位置的营销平台,根据消费者的位置向他们提供移动优惠和促销, 环境和邻近性.

    He holds a graduate degree in economics and business from SMU and an M.B.A in international business and marketing from DAVV, India. 在来美国之前, Vyas曾在印度塔塔集团和泰姬酒店集团担任各种营销和新业务开发职位. Abhi是DFW AMA(美国营销协会)特殊兴趣小组(SIG)的执行副总裁,也是AAF(美国广告联合会)的成员。.

    Mobile Marketing and Analytics: Strategies, Tactics & 工具



“我喜欢这个项目的学生. Most of them are working professionals who have a really specific goal."

– 丽贝卡·维斯孔蒂, 数字营销 instructor