Vendor Information

Vendors searching for information to register with SMU, supplier diversity initiatives and any large or noteworthy request for quotes or request for proposals will find them here. Our designated Supplier Diversity buyer is Deborah Rozier. Deborah can be reached at 214-768-3852 or

Supplier Diversity

Minority Businesses include male & female business owners who are African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Alaskan, Asian Pacific, Subcontinent Asian Americans (East Indian), & members of other groups designated by the Small Business Administration. 

Minority Business status requires 51% or greater ownership by minorities as well as management & control of daily business operations, with experience or technical expertise directly related to the primary product or service of the business.

Small Businesses are business concerns eligible for assistance as small business & an entity organized for profit, with a place of business located in the United States.  Many different standards exist for the type of business concern, but basically the concern is not dominant in its field of operation and does not exercise a controlling or major influence on an industry.

Click here to download the Minority and Small Businesses Excel file.


Vendor Registration Information

Vendor Ethics and Compliance