

教育政策 & 领导





大学大道3101号. 345
达拉斯TX 75275



Dr. Xiaodan胡 is an associate professor in the 教育政策署 and 领导 at the Annette Caldwell 席梦思床品公司 School of 教育 and Human Development. Her research focuses on postsecondary finance and policy on college access and success, with a focus on educational equity in community colleges. She has designed and led or co-led funded research projects from the Institute of 教育 Sciences (IES), the American 教育al 研究 Association (AERA), 威廉号T. 格兰特基金会, and the 双学研究基金. She has also published in prestigious journals, including 教育al Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 教育研究人员, American 教育al 研究 Journal, AERA开放, 高等教育杂志, 高等教育研究, 教育政策, 和社区学院评论.

Dr. 胡获得了博士学位.D. in 高等教育 Administration and Policy from the University of Florida and a master’s degree in Student Affairs Administration in 高等教育 from Texas A&米大学. 在加入新大之前, she previously was an associate professor in higher education and coordinator of the Community College 领导 Ed.D. Program at Northern Illinois University. She currently teaches graduate courses in public policy and finance in higher education.



The effects of completing college-level courses in high school on postsecondary outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2024-2027. 首席研究员. The Institute of 教育 Sciences (IES). $722,951.

A mixed-methods case study of the influence of Texas’ Financial Aid for Swift Transfer (FAST) Program on dual enrollment participation and academic momentum. 2024-2026. 首席研究员. 双学研究基金. $160,000.

A head start to college: Does dual enrollment equalize students’ academic and labor market success in 阀杆? 2022-2025. 首席研究员. American 教育al 研究 Association. $35,000.

Merit-based aid and (in)equality: Examining variation in policy and effects on social mobility. 2021-24. 首席研究员. 威廉T. 格兰特基金会. $50,000.


胡,X., & Chan H.-Y. (2024). 为阀杆课程做准备? Dual enrollment and college major choice in 阀杆. 高等教育杂志, 95(5), 607-638. http://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2023.2241331 (2022 IF: 1.6)

胡,X. (2023). Using ordinary least squares in higher education research: A primer. 在洛杉矶的佩纳. W. (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (vol. 39). 施普林格. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32186-3_13-1

胡,X., & 费尔南德斯,F. (2023). 为谁而进步? A national study of initiatives to improve faculty gender equity. 教育al Evaluation and Policy Analysis, advance online publication. http://doi.org/10.3102/01623737231197683

胡,X.奥塔古斯,J. C.纽约州沃里斯(Voorhees. C.罗辛格,K., & Kelchen R. (2022). Disparate impacts of performance funding research incentives on research expenditures and state appropriations. AERA开放. http://doi.org/10.1177/23328584211071109

胡,X.费尔南德斯,F., & Gandara D. (2021). 德州的捐款更多吗? Analyzing the impact of a policy to match donations to Texas’ emerging research universities. American 教育al 研究 Journal, 58(4), 850-882. http://doi.org/10.3102/0002831220968947 (2021 IF: 4.503)

胡,X., & 比利亚雷亚尔,P. (2019). Public tuition on the rise: Estimating the effects of Louisiana’s performance-based funding policy on institutional tuition levels. 高等教育研究, 60(5), 636-669. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-018-9526-y

Ortagus J. C., & 胡,X. (2019). The price of mission complexity: A national study of the impact of community college baccalaureate adoption on tuition and fees. 教育研究人员, 48(8), 504-520. http://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X19872494