

The 写作中心 is staffed by faculty at SMU, which allows each of these consultants to have insight into the writing processes and instruction that students receive in undergraduate courses like Writing and Reasoning (WRTR), 写标签课程, and courses with oral proficiency requirements. 除了, each instructor brings a unique set of skills and knowledge to help address student work in a variety of academic fields as indicated below. Where ever you are in the writing process, we are here to help. If you are presenting, come see us. 预约可于 WCOnline,或者你可以顺便来 Research and Writing Lab or Communications Lab.



  • 丽迪雅艾伦



    My deep curiosity about the human mind and its development, 进化, and adaptation across environments led me to study the human condition from many angles. I completed degrees in psychology and neuroscience at Texas A&M and Columbia University, 分别. I also completed degrees in English/Philosophy and History of Ideas at University of Texas at Austin and UT Dallas, 分别. I love working with students as they move through the world of ideas, 被惊奇和好奇心所激励.



    • Subject-specific writing in history, philosophy, literary/film studies, and scientific humanities

    • Technical, scientific, or medical writing

    • 创意写作

    • Working with students with learning differences

    • Writing for applications or personal statements

    • 研究与写作实验室

    • 教师协商



  • 梅根·约翰逊



    By investing in writing as a process, I want students to see that they are investing in themselves. I aim to facilitate active participation in new literacies that foster mindfulness so that students will know the powerful weight of their words. I completed a MA and PhD in English and Philosophy from the University of North Texas, I have spent fourteen years teaching at various universities and community colleges, and I have found a home here at SMU in the WRTR program where I am able to help students excel in their writing and reasoning powers in and beyond the classroom.


    • 美国研究

    • 写作,WRTR

    • Working-Class and Environmental Rhetoric


  • 阿什利·奥尼尔



    With degrees in both English and library science, I been fortunate to have a wide and expansive working career. 我在学术界教过书, been an advocate and public educator in the field of social work, helped launch start-up technology companies, 当过图书管理员. No matter where I have worked, teaching has always been at the heart of my job. Working one-on-one with students and getting to know them better is one of my favorite things about teaching at SMU. Wherever you are in the writing process, I would love to meet with you.



    • WRTR

    • 研究过程

    • 文学

    • 人文写作


  • 菲利普斯图片


    Coordinator of the 写作中心

    I am passionate about teaching writing. Before transitioning into full-time, 高等教育教学, I taught both middle and high school English. 作为一名教师, I work diligently to provide my students with a learning experience which they will find both relevant and engaging. My approach is often rooted in real-world experiences. I enjoy building a rapport with my students that allows me to help them progress as writers and critical thinkers. The phrase "I don't know" is always challenged in my classroom. My belief is that EVERY student has something to share, and it is my job to help them realize that their voice has relevance and purpose.


    • 非裔美国文学

    • 文学,广泛

    • WRTR


  • shattles图片



    After I completed my undergraduate degree in English at the University of Texas at Dallas, I came to SMU to study in the MA Program in English.  作为助教, I taught my first writing class at SMU in the fall of 1985, 我仍然是一只快乐的野马! 从那时起, I’ve worked with SMU students at all levels of the first-year writing sequence, 以及荣誉光盘, and as an A-LEC tutor and 写作中心 faculty member.  对我来说, nothing’s better than working with students as they examine texts, 完善自己的看法, and then structure their ideas to communicate their insights to a reader.  I’m constantly excited to help empower student writers to develop their ability to craft their work so they create not only an answer to an assignment but also an energetic representation of their insights.



    • WRTR

    • WRTR荣誉

    • 学术写作导论

    • Graduate School Personal Statements 

    • 写广泛的人文学科



  • 理查德治疗


    写作中心 for ESL Students

    Having taught English in the United States as well as in Mexico, 摩洛哥, 和韩国, Richard enjoys working with people from different cultural backgrounds. He particularly enjoys teaching rhetoric and academic writing to the international students at SMU, using pop 文化 and media theory to analyze U.S. 文化. 他有西班牙语学士学位, 语言学硕士学位, and a graduate certificate in TESOL from the University of North Texas, and he is currently pursuing a PhD in literature and creative writing at the University of Texas at Dallas.


    • 修辞与写作

    • 英语作为第二语言WRTR

    • 语言学 

    • Ecocriticism and Speculative Fiction

