
珀金斯秋季大会是一个一年一度的聚会,通过相关讲座突出各种信仰和文化的交叉点, presentations, workshops and liturgical expressions around a selected theme. Formerly Ministers Week, 秋季集会为教会和社区领袖提供了一个广泛的学习社区.

Fall 2024 Convocation, November 14 - 15, 2024

Registration is now open!

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2024 Fall Convocation Leaders

  • Jennifer Monet Cowley

    Live Artist

    詹妮弗·莫奈·考利从5岁开始就一直在画画. 她的才华在很小的时候就被父母和祖父母收藏的艺术品所认可. In high school, she studied fashion design and commercial art. 进入大学后,她专注于建筑设计,但她对艺术的热爱占了上风. 她毕业于德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校,获得艺术与表演学士学位. Jennifer works in various mediums: colored pencils, pastels, gouache, acrylic, watercolors, and collage. Jennifer also designs and paints wearable art. In addition to being an artist, she is a curator as well. 在达拉斯的非裔美国人博物馆担任馆长期间, Jennifer curated several groundbreaking art exhibitions. Sammetria Goodson, an attorney and advocate for the arts, 评论说詹妮弗的策展理念是开创性的,可以与世界上最好的一些策展理念相媲美. Overall, Jennifer是一位艺术家,她的多才多艺和技能使她能够创造出独特的作品和概念,赋予她独特的风格和声音,这是她自己的.

  • Dr. Michael Greene


    Dr. Michael Greene was born in New Haven, CT. He attended Columbia University, did graduate work in public policy at Cornell, 并获得了新罕布什尔大学经济学博士学位. 迈克还拥有南威尼斯人娱乐城宗教伦理学博士学位,是联合卫理公会教会的神职人员. He has lived and worked in Roanoke, VA., and Washington, DC. 迈克住在德克萨斯州的达拉斯,尽管他仍然把华盛顿特区当作自己的家. 迈克的兴趣包括马丁·路德·金的经济思想.、种族经济学、卫生经济学、经济权利和现代货币理论.  迈克是南威尼斯人娱乐城珀金斯神学院黑人/非洲教会研究项目主任. 迈克长期参与社会正义和人权斗争. Mike blogs can be found HERE

  • Dr. Noreen Herzfeld

    Guest Lecturer

    诺琳·赫茨菲尔德(Noreen Herzfeld)是圣霍普金斯大学科学与宗教的尼古拉斯和伯尼斯·路透教授. John’s University and the College of St. 她在那里教授宗教与科技交叉的课程. Dr. Herzfeld拥有宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)的计算机科学和数学学位以及博士学位.D. in theology from The Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. 她是《威尼斯人博彩》一书的作者, 2023), 在我们的形象:人工智能和人类精神(堡垒), 2002), 科技与宗教:在共同创造的世界中生存的人类(邓普顿), 《威尼斯人博彩》(匹克威克出版社,2009)的编辑或联合编辑, 2024), 大流行后世界中技术介导关系的宗教和文化含义(列克星敦), 2023), and Religion and the New Technologies (MDPI, 2017). 赫茨菲尔德还是科佩尔哲学与宗教研究所(ZRS)的高级研究员, Slovenia.

  • Dr. Robert Hunt


    Robert Hunt was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1955. After attending school in Austin and Richardson, he majored in History at the University of Texas in Austin. 他于1982年在珀金斯神学院(SMU)获得神学硕士学位.

    In 1985, 罗伯特和他的妻子莉莲去了菲律宾和吉隆坡, where they taught at the Seminary Theology Malaysia. At STM, Robert was the Director of Extension Education. He received a PhD in History from the University of Malaya in 1993, 主要研究圣经翻译的历史和基督教与穆斯林的关系. From 1993 to 1997, Dr. 亨特在三一神学院教授世界宗教,并指导扩展教育和实地教育项目. From 1997 to 2004, 他是说英语的维也纳联合卫理公会的牧师,也是维也纳韦伯斯特大学宗教和国际研究专业的兼职教授.
    Dr. 亨特是珀金斯神学院全球神学教育主任,也是南威尼斯人娱乐城基督教和宗教间关系教授. 他也是西蒙斯教育与人类发展学院的附属教员, 他在人文中心和跨学科研究项目任教吗. He hosts the YouTube channel and Podcast Interfaith Encounters.

    他是亨特工程与人文学院的研究员,也是研究生通识研究咨询委员会和通识研究博士指导委员会的成员. 他授权了许多关于马来西亚教会历史的书籍和文章, Missions, and Islam, including Islam in Southeast Asia, Muslim Citizens of the Globalized World, and The Gospel Among the Nations, a Documentary History of Inculturation. 他的最新著作是《威尼斯人博彩》. Wipf和Stock即将推出的是人工智能时代的真实人性.

  • Cole Arthur Riley

    Guest Lecturer

    Cole Arthur Riley is a writer and poet. She is the author of the NYT bestsellers, This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us and Black Liturgies: Prayers, Poems, and Meditations for Staying Human. 她的文章曾在《威尼斯人博彩》、《威尼斯人博彩》和《威尼斯人博彩》上发表. Cole is also the creator and writer of Black Liturgies, a project that integrates spiritual practice with Black emotion, Black literature, and the Black body.

  • Rev. Victoria Robb Powers


    Rev. 维多利亚·罗伯·鲍尔斯是皇家巷浸信会的主任牧师,也是第一位在DFW大都会浸信会担任主任牧师的女性. 她毕业于贝勒大学(Baylor University),获得宗教和哲学学士学位. In 2012, 维多利亚毕业于德克萨斯基督教大学布立特神学院,获得神学硕士学位. After two years of serving as a hospital chaplain at Baylor Scott & White, Victoria has spent the last ten years in congregational ministry, eight of those years in the United Methodist Church. 维多利亚曾担任珀金斯神学院浸信会研究学院的董事会主席,在那里她仍然是董事会成员. Her passions include reading and writing, and her first children’s book was published by Tommy Nelson, an imprint of HarperCollins, in 2023.

Please note that online registration will close November 1, 2024. 退款(少于25美元的费用)将在活动前7天提供.