
Corporate Communication and Public Affairs

Professor, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs; William F May Endowed Director of the Maguire 道德 Center







丽塔·柯克博士.D., is a senior research professor, 获奖的老师, 有经验的管理员, 管理顾问. Her passions 为 aligning resources with innovation, 授权的想法, and building coalitions in order to successfully implement strategic initiatives are hallmarks of her work. Currently, she is the William F. May Endowed Director of the Maguire 道德 Center and Professor of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs.

Kirk’s understanding of the political environment and her commitment to ethics in action provides a powerful perspective 为 her clients. In addition to keynote seminars, Kirk counsels domestic and international public and private sector organizations on strategic communication campaigns, market analysis and stakeholder engagement. Kirk advises clients on a range of ethical issues ranging from impact investing to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to 道德 & 合规问题. As a Peabody Award-winning journalist, serving as an analyst 为 CNN during the last five Presidential elections, she knows how to ask the tough questions and understands the mediated culture where organizations must learn to thrive.

Kirk’s academic books include: Political Empiricism: Communications Strategies in State and Regional Elections, which won the “Best Book in Applied Communication” from the National Communication Association; 仇恨言论, a book analyzing implications 为 hate discourse in public communication, 与共同编辑大卫·斯雷登合作, which was 授予 the Outstanding Book on the subject of Human Rights in North America and the James Madison Prize 为 work on free speech; the highly reviewed Solo Acts: The Death of Discourse in a Wired World; and co-edited books  政治沟通 实时: Theoretical and Applied 研究 Approaches; and 道德 at the Heart of Higher 教育.


Ph.D. in Communication; Cognate 新闻. 密苏里大学.  (1984).
M.A. in Communication 阿肯色大学. (1978).
B.S.E. in Speech Communication/Minor in Political Science. 阿肯色大学.  (1975).
专业研讨会.  董事会中的女性.  哈佛大学.  (2018).



克雷斯波,C.R. & 柯克,R. (Eds.). (2020). 道德 at the heart of higher education.  尤金,或者: 

希尔,D.柯克,R。., & Jasperson,. E. (Eds.). (2017). Political communication in real time: Scalable multidimensional response measurement using a mobile plat为m. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

Slayden D. & R。惠洛克成为,. K. (Eds.). (1999). Soundbite culture: The death of discourse in a wired world. 纽伯里公园,加州:Sage.

R。惠洛克成为,. K. & Slayden D. (Eds.). (1995). 仇恨言论. 纽伯里公园,加州:Sage.

R。惠洛克成为,. K. (1991). Political Empiricism: Communication strategies in state and regional elections. 纽约:Praeger.

Select 艺术icles and Essays (over 35 articles published)

柯克,R. & 希尔,D. (2021).  Sophisticated hate stratagems:  Unpacking the era of distrust.  美国行为科学家,

希尔,D., & 柯克,R. (2017). Angry, passionate, and divided: Undecided voters and the 2016 presidential election. 美国行为科学家, 0002764217709040.

柯克,R. (2017). 新媒体, 交互性, and rapid response in presidential communication: The narcotizing dysfunction revisited. 在年代.A. 马丁(Ed.), 列到字符. College Station, Texas: Texas A&米的新闻.

柯克,R. 和S.A. 马丁. (2017). The dark power of words: Stratagems of hate in the 2016 election. 在R.W. 丹顿,小. (Ed.), The 2016 US 总统竞选活动. (205-230). 纽约:帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦.

柯克,R. (2016). Strategic insights: The news value of real time response measurements. 在D. 希尔,R. 柯克, & A. Jasperson (Eds.), 政治沟通 实时. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

柯克,R. & D. 希尔. (2014). In为med and undecided: Persuasive appeals to noncommittal voters. 在R.E. 丹顿,小. (Ed.), Studies of communication in the 2012 总统竞选活动. (135-150). 伦敦,英国:列克星敦.

柯克,R., & 希尔,D. (2014). CNN’s dial testing of the presidential debates: Parameters of discussion in tech driven politics. 在J.A. 亨德里克斯 & L.L. Kaid (Eds.), 科技政治 in 总统竞选活动ing: New voices, new technologies, and new voters, (pp.131-151).  纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.


Part of the CNN team that won the 2008年皮博迪奖 为 their “unparalleled coverage of an historic election process.” The award committee specifically hailed CNN’s use of “state-of-the-art technology.”

Academic awards include receiving the Greg Phifer Freedom of Speech Award (Southern Communication Association), 詹姆斯一. Madison Award 为 Excellence in 宪法第一修正案 Scholarship 为 仇恨言论 (Southern States Communication Association), 仇恨言论 授予 Outstanding Book on the subject of human rights in North America. (古斯塔夫斯·迈耶斯中心, 由全国有色人种协进会共同赞助, National Organization of Women, 全国城市联盟, B 'nai B 'rith,

Universalist Unitarian Church, Project Censured and Free Inquiry), Best Book in Applied Communication Award 为 Political Empiricism: Communication Strategies in State and Regional Elections, Speech Communication Association.

Kirk has numerous teaching awards including the prestigious “M”奖 来自新大学生团体的 Altshuler SMU Distinguished Teaching Award,和 Meadows Outstanding Teaching Professor. In 2014, the SMU Woman’s Club recognized her as SMU’s Outstanding 教师 Member.


CNN 2008年的顾问, 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections, conducting Real Time Response measures and focus group sessions on undecided voters. Used student assistants as interns 为 convention coverage.

Serve as board member of the President Bush’s Military Service Initiative. Former faculty advisor to the SMU MilVets. Active advocate of military service members’ transition into academia.

Served on the board of various nonprofit organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.


言论自由 & 宪法第一修正案  
历史 & 言论自由哲学  