Zannie Voss

Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship

Professor; Director, SMU DataArts




Zannie Giraud Voss, Ph.D. 艾克斯-马赛第三管理研究生院, France), 是新大数据艺术总监,也是新大梅多斯艺术学院和考克斯商学院的艺术管理学教授. Prior to joining the SMU faculty, 她是杜克大学福库商学院戏剧研究系教授和管理学兼职教授, 她还在杜克大学担任戏剧预演的制片导演, 致力于开发和合作制作新作品的专业戏剧公司.

Dr. 沃斯曾担任众多基金会和国家艺术服务机构的项目顾问, including Theatre Communications Group, for which she has co-authored TCG’s Theatre Factssince 1998. 她曾发表文章,研究影响非营利专业剧院组织绩效的战略因素 Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Services Marketing, American Theatre, ArtsReach, and International Journal of Arts Management,她是该杂志的副主编. She served as managing director of PlayMakers Repertory Company; associate manager of the Alley Theatre; assistant director of audience development at the Mark Taper Forum; and as a site visitor and panelist for the National Endowment for the Arts. 她获得了美国国家科学基金会的研究经费, the Wallace Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the Marketing Science Foundation, 美国市场营销协会和Sheth基金会.

她是国际艺术与文化管理协会(AIMAC)的董事会成员。, the Dallas Symphony Association, and the New Orleans Museum of Art, 她最近担任了为期三年的美国艺术与科学学院艺术委员会成员.

Recent Work


Refereed Journal Publications since 2000

Voss, Glenn B. and Zannie G. Voss (2013), 中小企业的战略双重性:实施产品和市场领域的探索和开发,” Organization Science, 24 (5), 1459–1477.

Voss, Glenn B. & Zannie Giraud Voss(2008),“竞争密度与客户获取-保留的权衡”, Journal of Marketing, 72 (6), 3-18. Lead article.

d’Astous, A., Z. G. Voss, F. Colbert, A. Carù, M. Caldwell, F. Courvoisier(2008),“艺术中的产品-国家形象:一个多国研究”, International Marketing Review, 25 (4), 379-403.

Voss, Glenn B., Deepak Sirdeshmukh, and Zannie G. Voss (2008), 资源松弛和环境威胁对产品勘探开发的影响,” Academy of Management Journal, 51 (1), 147-164. 在《威尼斯人博彩》一书中, The Economist’s Executive Briefing, January 2008, and in “Running Fat,” Utah CEO Magazine, August 2008.

Voss, Zannie G., Daniel M. Cable, and Glenn B. Voss (2006), 组织认同与企业绩效:当领导者在“我们是谁”问题上意见相左时会发生什么?” Organization Science, 17 (6), 741-755.

Voss, Glenn B., Mitzi M. Montoya-Weiss, and Zannie G. Voss (2006), “非营利性专业戏剧行业创新与市场特征的对接”,"Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (2), 296-302. Featured in “For Love or Money,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2006.

Voss, Zannie G. and Véronique Cova (2006), 感知的性别差异如何影响顾客满意度:对戏剧观众的研究.” Marketing Theory, 6 (2), 201-221.

Voss, Zannie G., Glenn B. Voss, and Christine Moorman (2005), 创业导向与利益相关者支持复杂关系的实证研究,” European Journal of Marketing, 39 (9/10), 1132-1150.

Voss, Glenn B., Daniel M. Cable, and Zannie G. Voss (2000), 将组织价值与外部成分联系起来:非营利性专业剧院的研究,” Organization Science, (May/June), 330-347.

Voss, Glenn B. and Zannie G. Voss(2000),“艺术环境下的战略导向与企业绩效”, Journal of Marketing, 64 (January), 67-83.

Voss, Zannie G. and Glenn B. Voss (2000), 非营利性专业剧院行业组织价值观和战略取向对绩效的影响探讨,” International Journal of Arts Management, 3 (1), 62-76.


伦敦,托德与本·佩斯纳和赞妮·吉拉德·沃斯(2009), 离谱的财富:新美国戏剧的生活和时代,纽约:戏剧发展基金,12月.

Book Chapters

Turrini, Alex and Zannie Voss (2020), 《艺术中的策略性筹款:销售的错误,” In (Eds.) M. Addis and A. 管理文化业务:避免错误,寻找成功,纽约:Routeledge.

Gallagher, Kathleen, Amy Aughinbaugh和Zannie Giraud Voss (2018), 《超越制片厂体制:美国公众对电影的支持》,” In (Eds.) Paul Clemens Murschetz, Roland Teichmann, Matthias Karmasin,《威尼斯人娱乐城》,pp. 463-480, Springer.

Voss, Zannie Giraud and Naomi Grabel (2013), 艺术中的组织认同和营销,” In (Eds.) Daragh O’Reilly, Ruth Rentschler & 特里萨·基什内尔,Routeledge艺术营销伙伴,纽约:Routeledge.

Recent Professional Publications

Voss, Zannie Giraud, Glenn B. Voss, and Young Woong Park (2021), 资金、市场营销、受众多样性、公平性和包容性的交集,新大DataArts(4月)发布的白皮书;

托马斯,丽贝卡和赞妮·吉拉德·沃斯(2021), 缓冲不确定性:营运资金与bipoc服务组织的弹性,新大数据艺术发布的白皮书(3月);

Voss, Zannie Giraud and Glenn B. Voss (2021), 高级表演艺术组织的炼金术第二部分:有色人种组织的焦点,新大数据艺术发布的白皮书(3月);

Fonner, Daniel, Zannie Giraud Voss, Glenn B. 沃斯与特蕾莎·艾宁、阿德里安·布杜和劳里·巴斯金(2020年)合作, 《戏剧事实2019:美国非营利剧院实践与表演报告,纽约:戏剧传播集团(十二月);

Voss, Zannie Giraud, Glenn B. Voss, Rebecca Johnson, Kady Epley (2020), 艺术活力指数报告VI:美国艺术和文化的温床, SMU DataArts发布的白皮书(9月);

Voss, Zannie Giraud and Glenn B. Voss (2020), 高级表演艺术组织的炼金术,新大数据艺术发布的白皮书(8月);

Zannie Voss