
保单号码: 1.17

政策部分: 机构事务

修订日期: 2021年11月1日

1.  定义

定义 of capitalized terms used herein are set forth in Appendix A.

2.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide for the health and safety of 南威尼斯人娱乐城 students, faculty, staff, and visitors and for the protection of the University’s property/assets.

3.  政策声明

It is the policy of the University to prohibit the presence of animals in University controlled and managed buildings, 除本政策豁免部分列出的动物外. 这包括, 但不限于, 住宅社区, 公寓, 大学经营的联谊会, 教室和行政楼, 学生中心, 还有运动设施.

4.  获豁免的宠物及其他动物


  1. 服务的动物. Students with service animals are strongly encouraged to affiliate with the 残障设施 & 成功策略办公室. Faculty and staff with service animals are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Institutional Access and Equity (“IAE”). Students, faculty, and staff who plan to reside on campus with their service animal must inform DASS (if a student) or IAE (if faculty or staff), 和居住生活 & Student Housing (“RLSH”) as soon as practicably possible to aid RLSH in housing logistics and planning.
  2. 情感支持动物(“ESA”). 根据公平住房法(FHA), ESA’s are only permitted in University-operated housing and related areas. 学生申请ESA必须得到das和RLSH的批准. 教职员工必须获得IAE和RLSH的许可.
  3. 训练中的服务动物. Students, faculty, or staff that want to bring a service animal in training on campus must submit proof to DASS (if a student) or to IAE (if faculty or staff) that he or she is an approved trainer, and submit a request for a housing accommodation to RLSH (if living in University housing).
  4. Registered therapy animals brought on campus by approved handlers for University-sanctioned events or programming.
  5. Research and teaching animals that are approved by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
  6. 鱼装在10加仑或更少的容器里.
  7. 住在大学宿舍的教职员工的宠物. 在将宠物带入大学宿舍之前, faculty and staff must register their pet with RLSH and abide by the 程序 set forth in the 居住生活 & 学生宿舍宠物手续.
  8. 大学吉祥物.
  9. 除了, one-time exemptions may be granted for University-sanctioned events or programming involving animals. An individual must obtain approval from the Associate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer or their designee in advance.
    1. 虽然这些动物被允许进入建筑物和设施, 说动物必须始终处于主人的控制之下. The care or supervision of an exempted animal is solely the responsibility of the owner. SMU reserves the right to exclude an exempted animal whose behavior poses a threat to the health or safety of others.

5.  校园动物规则

  1. All animals brought on University grounds must be under the control of the owner/handler at all times, 而且必须用皮带拴住, 系在安全带上, 或者被关在笼子里.
  2. 所有有关在公众地方饲养动物的规定(例如.e., 接种疫苗, 许可, ID tags) mandated by state or local ordinances must be followed with the burden of proving 许可 and vaccination status on the owner/handler.
  3. Fecal matter deposited (whether on University grounds or in a University building or other facility) by an animal brought to campus must be removed immediately and disposed of properly by the owner/handler. The burden is on the owner/handler to arrange for removal of fecal matter if he or she is personally unable to perform the task.
  4. Anyone who brings an animal on University grounds assumes all financial responsibility for any damages to property or injury to individuals caused by the animal. The University may remove or require the removal of any animal that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, 不是家常化的, 或以其他方式扰乱校园场地或设施的使用. 被拴住的动物, 无人值守, or abandoned may be humanely impounded in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and should be reported to University Police

6.  相关的程序


“服务动物” 意思是任何狗(或者在某些情况下), a miniature horse) that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, 包括体检, sensory, 精神病学, 知识, 或其他精神残疾. 其他动物, 无论是野生的还是家养的, 受训或未受训, 服务性动物不符合这个定义吗. The work or tasks that the service animal performs must be directly related to the individual’s disability. 工作或任务的例子包括, 但不限于, 帮助失明或视力低下的人, 提醒耳聋或重听的人, 拉轮椅, 在病人癫痫发作时提供帮助, 检索物品,如药品或电话, providing physical support and 援助 with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and helping persons with 精神病学 and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors. 服务性动物是工作动物,不是宠物.

情感支持动物(包括被称为治疗的动物, 援助, or comfort animals) means an animal selected or prescribed to an individual with a disability by a healthcare or mental health professional to play a significant part in a person’s treatment process, e.g.减轻个人残疾的症状. Because they do not assist a person with a disability with activities of daily living and do not accompany a person with a disability at all times, 情感支持动物不是“服务动物”.”

《威尼斯人博彩》” means animals approved for use in direct support of the University’s teaching and research mission and used in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

“Pet” means an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship unrelated to a disability. 宠物不被认为是服务性动物或情感支持动物.

Revised: 2021年11月1日

Adopted: 2016年8月2日

The official 大学政策手册 is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official 大学政策手册 conflict with any internal policies, 程序, 部门管理规章, 或指导方针, 这可能包含在学校提供的手册中, 部门, 或大学内部的部门, 官方的大学政策手册控制.