Summer 2024 Withdrawal Procedures

Summer (June/July) 2024 Withdrawal Procedures

UNDERGRADUATE students: Please see specific information about Cancelling/Withdrawing your Summer (June/July) 2024 courses here.

If an Undergraduate student needs to drop/withdraw AFTER the Summer (June/July) Session has begun, then he/she must complete the UNDERGRADUATE Summer Term Cancellation/Withdrawal Request Form. The effective date of the withdrawal is the date the Cancellation/Withdrawal Request Form is processed in the University Registrar’s Office. Discontinuance of class attendance or notification to the instructors of intention to withdraw does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students who reside in University housing must secure clearance from the Office of Residence Life and Student Housing.

Medical withdrawals provide a pro rata refund of tuition and fees, and have conditions that must be met prior to re-enrollment at SMU. Medical withdrawals can only be authorized by a licensed physician or psychologist/ counselor in the SMU Health Center. The University does not grant retroactive medical withdrawals. The last day a student can request a medical withdrawal is the last day to withdraw for the term in which the student is requesting to withdraw. Withdrawing students living in SMU housing must check out of the residence halls with Residence Life and Student Housing per established procedures.

NOTE: If a student is approved for a medical withdrawal for summer, it is for the entire summer term and not an individual summer session.

GRADUATE students: Please contact your advisor or academic school records office.

Please visit the 2023-24 Academic Calendar for the withdrawal deadlines for each Summer Session. 

For specific information regarding tuition and fees refund rates for Withdrawal / Cancellation, please visit