邦妮F. 雅可布

Emeritus Professor






  • 孢粉学
  • 古植物学
  • 古气候
  • 古生态学


GEOL 1315 - Intro to Environmental Science 
GEOL 7350 - Biogeography
GEOL/BIOL 3307 - Ecology
GEOL 5368/7370 - 古生态学
GEOL 1301 - 地球系统ems


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研究 Statement

Climate is the main determinant of plant geography 和 leaf morphology. 因此, fossil plants can be used to underst和 past climate, which is essential for the testing of climate models used to create scenarios of future climate change. 此外, the foundation of nearly every ecosystem on Earth is plants, which supply energy derived from the sun to all other life, resulting in a close ecological link between flora 和 fauna, knowledge of the former sheds light on the food resources 和 habitat of the latter. Equally as important, fossil plants provide tangible evidence of how 和 where our current flora evolved.
My research centers on paleobotany, the study of fossil plants, ranging in size from microscopic cells to macroscopic leaves, 水果, 种子和木材. Within paleobotany, I am pursuing several research questions, all united by a broad research interest in past climate 和 paleoecology. 古气候 和 climate change are directly relevant to environments of human evolution, tied closely to the evolution of plants 和 biomes. 研究 projects have included field work in Kenya, Tanzania, 埃塞俄比亚, in the U. S., Texas, New Mexico.

Selected Publications

2019: *Friðgeir Grímsson, Graham, S.A.Coiro, M., 雅各布斯,B.F.Xafis, A.诺伊曼,F. H.斯科特,L。.萨卡拉,J.E .柯拉诺. D.,元音,R. Origin 和 divergence of Afro-Indian Picrodendraceae: linking pollen morphology, 传播模式, 化石记录, molecular dating 和 paleogeography. Grana 58(4): 227-275.

2019: Rasmussen, D.弗里西亚,A.古铁雷斯,M.卡普尔曼,J.米勒,E.Muteti, S.雷诺索,D.罗茜,J.拼写,T.纽约州塔博尔市., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., 雅各布斯,B.京吾,B.马查瓦斯,M.穆切米,F. A primitive Old World monkey from the earliest Miocene of Kenya 和 the evolution of cercopithecoid bilophodonty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073 / pnas.1815423116

2018 Grímsson, Friðgeir, 雅各布斯,邦妮, van Valkenburg, Johan L.C.H., Wieringa, Jan J.Xafis, Alex和ros纽约州塔博尔市eil, Pan Aaron D.,元音,Reinhard. Sclerosperma fossils from the late 渐新世 of Chilga, north-western 埃塞俄比亚, Grana, DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2018.1510977.

2018 Grímsson, Friðgeir, van Valkenburg, Johan L.C.H., Wieringa, Jan J.Xafis, Alex和ros, 雅各布斯,邦妮,元音,Reinhard. Pollen morphology of the African Sclerosperma (Arecaceae), Grana, DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2018.1519033.

2017 Tesfamichael, T., 雅各布斯,B.F., 他泊,N.米歇尔,L.E .柯拉诺.M . Feseha.Barclay, R.卡普尔曼,J.Schmitz, M. Settling the issue of "decoupling" between 自动取款机ospheric carbon dioxide 和 global temperature: [CO2]自动取款机 reconstructions across the warming Paleogene-Neogene divide. Geology 45 (11): 999-1002. doi: 10.1130/G39048.1.

2017年,布什当选总统.华莱士,J.E .柯拉诺.D., 雅各布斯,B.F.麦金纳尼,F.A.邓恩,R.E.纽约州塔博尔市.J.  Leaf δ13C 和 cell anatomy reveal shading 和 canopy structure in a Miocene forest from 埃塞俄比亚. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 485: 593–604. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.07.015

2017 Global climatic drivers of leaf size. 莱特,我.J.,东,N.,梅尔,V.普伦蒂斯,我.C.韦斯托比,M., Díaz, S.R .加拉格尔.V., 雅各布斯,B.F., 曼,R.法律,E.A.利什曼,M.R.(美国).赖希,P.B.萨克,L.R .维拉尔.王,H.威尔夫,P. Science 357: 917–921.

2017 Sánchez Goñi, M.F. 等. The ACER pollen 和 charcoal database: a global resource to document vegetation 和 fire response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period.  地球系统. Sci. 数据9:679 - 695. http://doi.org/10.5194/essd-9-679-2017

2017 Gulbranson, Erik L., 雅各布斯,B.F.霍克蒂,W. C.维曼,M. C.米歇尔,L.A.理查兹,K., Kappelman, J.W. Nitrogen-fixing symbiosis inferred from stable isotope analysis of fossil tree rings, 渐新世, 埃塞俄比亚. Geology 45: 687-690. doi: 10.1130/G39213.1.

2016 Xing, Yaowu, Maria A G和olfo, Renske E Onstein, David J Cantrill, 邦妮·F·雅各布, Gregory J Jordan, Svetlana Popova, Rashmi Srivastava, Sergey V Vikulin, Atsushi Yabe, H.彼得·林德. Testing the biases in the rich Cenozoic angiosperm macrofossil record.  International Journal of Plant Sciences 177: 371-388.

2015恩格尔,M.E .柯拉诺., 雅各布斯,B. The first mastotermitid termite from Africa (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae): A new species of Mastotermes from the early Miocene of 埃塞俄比亚. Journal of Paleontology 89: 1038-1042.

2015 Colleary, C.多洛坎,A.加德纳,J。.辛格,S.伍德克,M.,  Rabenstein, R., Habersetzer, J.Schaal, S.M . Feseha.克莱门斯,M., 雅各布斯,B., Currano E.D.雅各布斯,L.L., Lyng Sylvestersen, R.Gabbott, S.E., Vinther, J. 化学, 实验, morphological evidence for diagenetically altered melanin in exceptionally preserved fossils. PNAS 112: 12592–12597.

2014潘,A., 雅可布. B.F., Currano E.D. Dioscoreaceae fossils from the late 渐新世 和 early Miocene of 埃塞俄比亚. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 175: 17-28.

2013恩格尔,M.潘,A.D. 和 雅各布斯,B.F. A termite from the Late 渐新世 of northern 埃塞俄比亚.  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 58: 331–334.
