Experience SMU Cox Immersions



SMU Cox MBA Immersion in South Africa

At SMU Cox, 在线MBA课程的毕业生准备找到创造性的解决方案,从第一天的商业挑战,由于在我们的课程的核心体验的机会. No matter which SMU Cox online program you choose, 您将有机会与同行和教授一起体验全球和国内沉浸式旅行. 我们的沉浸式旅行选择的城市是根据它们与商界的战略相关性而选择的. Over the course of an immersion, 您将获得在实时项目团队中工作的实践经验,这将挑战您在不断变化的全球市场中克服复杂的企业障碍. 您将探索领导力和分析主题,并听取顶级企业高管的经验.

In an era of business ambiguity and flux, 沉浸式课程教授MBA学员如何应对当今不断变化的变化和挑战.

Photo of students at sculpture in Portugal

Immersion Highlight: Portugal Trip

在里斯本和周边城市体验惊险刺激的沉浸式体验, 学生们获得了准备和执行有意商业战略的机会. 

Highlights included: 

  • 参观StarkData,这是一家专注于企业人工智能和机器学习解决方案的新兴初创企业
  • Creation and presentation on improvement projects with companies, 一个动作体育电视网络和一家可持续发展的科技公司等等
  • 辛特拉,卡波达罗卡和卡斯凯伊斯一日游,品尝糕点和观光


"We needed to bring strategic and tactical solutions in a short time, which represents the reality of every business. 我喜欢这类工作,因为我工作的一部分就是帮助公司利用技术取得成功."

Silvia Davis, Online MBA ‘21, Product and Solutions Marketing Strategist

Past Immersions

  • Photo of Online MBA students in Singapore for Immersion trip

    Singapore, October 2023

    The immersion experience included:

    • 1-day, multi-phase Hackthon focused on port strategies
    • 在新加坡德雷柏创业之家与利益相关者共进晚餐和交流
    • 在教授学生不同的黑客马拉松框架和策略之前,进行3次体验式研讨会

  • The skyline near the SMU Cox campus at night

    Dallas, June 2023

    The immersion experience included:

    • Keynote speaker DART President and CEO Nadine Lee
    • 团队咨询项目为学生提供了解决现实世界和实时商业问题的机会. 项目在儿童健康和当地非营利组织“赶上和阅读”中进行
    •  通过咨询工作与达拉斯的公司和非营利组织建立联系的机会
  • The Santiago city skyline at dusk

    Santiago, December 2022

    In partnership with Draper Startup House - Santiago, 这种令人兴奋的经历为学生提供了准备和执行有意的商业战略的机会. The immersion included:

    • Opportunities to collaborate with startup founders
    • 对初创公司的现实世界框架进行了压力测试,并提出了优化流程的策略
    • Attendance at business meetings with partner companies
    • Cultural tour of Santiago and wine tasting
  • The coastline of Cape Town, South Africa

    Cape Town, October 2022

    This immersion centered on innovation for social entrepreneurs and NGOs. MBA学生曾与需要整体商业战略的初创公司合作. The immersion experience included:

    • Pre-trip sprints to help cohort teams create customer-facing, stakeholder-informed business strategies.
    • 运用精益和敏捷方法为本地公司解决模棱两可的问题.
    • 与当地专业人士建立联系和合作,以制定和提出建议.
    • Cultural excursions, 包括开普敦城市之旅,桌山和阿奎拉私人野生动物保护区之旅.
  • The Seattle skyline with a blue sky and clouds in the background

    Seattle, June 2022

    The immersion experience included:

    • 群体团队建设练习侧重于创新和以人为本的设计.
    • 战争游戏式的活动——由西雅图专业人士评判——塑造批判性思维, ideation and problem-solving skills.
    • 沉浸式活动探索歧义和使用战略工具来创建操作解决方案.
    • 接触西雅图的生态系统,并有机会与拥抱创新的当地公司建立联系.
  • Madrid Immersion

    Madrid, February 2022

    这种沉浸感的基础是使用Be-Novative平台进行匿名协作创意. Companies like Apple, Cisco, Bank of America, ABB, GE Healthcare, 汇丰伦敦(HSBC London)和英国电信(British Telecom)使用Be-Novative来帮助制定战略,并在旧的假设不再有效的情况下破解解决方案.

    • Two weeks ahead of the immersion, 参与者一边完成自己的项目,一边在Be-Novative中合作.
    • 团队项目通过与非政府组织合作,为实践策略和领导技能提供了机会, 马德里蓬勃发展的创业生态系统中的社会企业家和其他企业.
    • These real client projects became a competition.
  • Dubai Immersion

    Dubai, October 2021

    The immersion experience included:

    • Keynote speaker Dayle Rebecca Carden, Managing partner of Elliott Barrett Group, a Dallas-based strategic advisory firm.
    • 在阿联酋的几家公司进行整合战略和领导技能的团队项目.
    • Opportunities to network and interact with SMU Cox program faculty.
  • Colorado Immersion

    Colorado, June 2021

    The immersion experience included:

    • 团队项目,将战略和自然与魔鬼拇指牧场(DTR)的执行所有者相结合.
    • Opportunities to network and interact with SMU Cox program faculty.
    • 团队冒险游戏具有10个身体和智力挑战跨越6,500 acre ranch, designed to develop leadership.
    • Voluntary activities including horseback riding and fly fishing.
  • An aerial view of a student at a table with an open laptop and notebook

    “Battle for the Cloud” War Game, February 2021 (Virtual immersion)

    • Students participated in workshops teaching competitive intelligence, scenario planning, and war gaming.
    • 三轮的战争游戏以一个灾难性的场景结束,挑战学生团队重新调整他们的生存和繁荣战略.
    • 评委包括来自全球领先云提供商及其全球客户的高管.
    • Jay Nakagawa, Director of Competitive Intelligence at Dell Technologies, delivered the keynote address.
  • A cityscape with a highway and green park in the foreground

    Innovation Hackathon, August 2020 (virtual immersion)

    • MBA学生团队与来自世界各地的15家初创公司合作,在全球大流行期间重新构想他们的业务. 
    • 学生们向代表领先早期投资者的评委们展示创新的商业解决方案. 
    • Keynote addresses from Cox School of Business Dean Matt Myers, Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall, 也是女性企业家十亿美元基金的联合创始人和管理合伙人Shelly Porges. 
    • 学生在虚拟商业环境中获得了第一手的合作经验,并应用了最佳实践.
  • London immersion

    London, December 2019

    The immersion experience included:

    • Presentations from industry giants, startups, and NGOs, including: Microsoft, Eversend mobile online bank, Monzo bank, and TACT fostering agency.
    • Students used complex problem solving skills and analyzed business, economic and financial market implications in real time.
    • Opportunity to explore the rich history and cultural landmarks of London, Bath, Windsor and Stonehenge.

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