Bishop John Wesley Hardt (1921-2017)

Influential United Methodist served as Bishop-in-Residence at Perkins for 12 years

达拉斯(SMU) ——约翰·卫斯理·哈特主教.A. ’42, B.D. ’46), the longest-serving Bishop-in-Residence at 珀金斯神学院 whose career in The United Methodist Church dates to the early 1940s, 周日去世, 6月18日. 业务规划时间为11a.m. Friday, June 23, at First United Methodist Church of Dallas.

A native of San Antonio, Bishop Hardt was born July 14, 1921 to Rev. 韦斯利和艾达·威尔逊·哈特夫妇. He earned the Bachelor of Arts degree from SMU in 1942 and began his ministerial career as a supply 牧师 that same year. In 1943, he succeeded his father as 牧师 of the Methodist congregation in Malakoff, Texas. He was ordained as an Elder in 1944 and received the Bachelor of Divinity degree from SMU’s School of Theology in 1946. He 牧师ed churches in the Texas Annual Conference and served as District Superintendent of the Houston East District until his election as Bishop in 1980. He served the Oklahoma episcopal area – including the Oklahoma Annual Conference and the Oklahoma Indian 任务ary Conference – in that capacity until 1988, whereupon he became the Perkins Bishop-in-Residence until retiring in 2000 and became Bishop-in-Residence 名誉.

“With the death of Bishop John Wesley Hardt, 珀金斯神学院 has lost a dear colleague, 牧师, 良师益友,”医生说。. 克雷格·C. Hill, dean of 珀金斯神学院. “His interest in Perkins was evident from the beginning of my deanship in July 2016, when he made a point of visiting me in my office, and we spoke multiple times over the past year. I am very grateful to have and those opportunities, which were always both delightful and informative, 只希望我能拥有更多.

“哈特主教是不可替代的, but his contributions will live on at Perkins and throughout the denomination. 我们将深深地怀念他.”

In addition to serving on the SMU Board of Trustees from 1980 to 1988, 哈特主教也收到了 Perkins Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2008. The Bishop John Wesley Hardt Award – established by the Perkins Student Association in 1998 – is named in his honor and annually is presented to a student in good academic standing who is entering his or her last year of work at Perkins.

Bishop Hardt and his wife, Martha Carson Hardt, were married in 1943. They traveled around the world visiting Methodist mission work in Asia, 东南亚, 非洲, 欧洲, and South America and were delegates to World Methodist Conferences in Denver, 都柏林, 火奴鲁鲁, 内罗毕和新加坡. He was also a delegate to all General Conferences of The United Methodist Church from 1960 to 1980.

"Bishop Hardt epitomized what it means to be a servant-leader," SMU President R. 杰拉尔德·特纳说. "The value of his contributions to SMU are immeasurable. 他的遗产将永存, but we will miss his physical presence, which has been such a significant part of SMU's history for more than 75 years. I will personally miss the times we spent together and our friendship."

Said SMU alumnus and Trustee Richard Ware: "Bishop Hardt was the leader of the three Bishops who oversaw all the changes of SMU governance, 体育运动, community relations and reputation during the trying times of 1987 and 1988 before Kenneth Pye became SMU's President. 主教热情的性格, strong moral compass and dedication to the University inspired all, especially the Interim Executive Committee and the then-newly reconstituted Board of Trustees. He was such a true friend to so many of us. SMU today owes much to our Bishop who played tennis, encouraged all and brought us together."

Bishop Hardt authored four books: a book of sermons titled 不是灰烬,是火焰,出版于1977年; Lakeview, A Story of Inspiring Unity, 1992年出版; Cecil Peeples, Giant of the 20th Century; and Forward in Faith, a 历史 of Marvin United Church, Tyler, TX,出版于1999年.

In addition to his wife, Bishop Hardt is survived by four children (Betty, William C.约翰·S. 詹姆斯·J.), eight grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

“John Wesley Hardt was the consummate 牧师,”医生说。. 威廉·B. 劳伦斯, Professor of American Church 历史 at Perkins who also served as the school’s dean from 2002-16. “He was entirely devoted to the well-being of others. He was legendary for his extraordinary capacity to remember persons' names and connections with their churches and communities, all of which demonstrated how deeply he was focused on other people.”