SMU Lyle Remembers James Hinderer, Ph.D., Dallas Innovator and Beloved Adjunct Professor

Dr. James Hinderer从1998年到2008年担任SMU Lyle的兼职教授.

SMU Lyle School of Engineering mourns the loss of Dr. James Hinderer, 深受爱戴的系统工程兼职教授和备受尊敬的达拉斯创新者.

Over many decades, Dr. Hinderer在RTX公司领导了几个当时是绝密的有影响力的项目的开发. – which was then Raytheon – and Texas Instruments. 他与新加坡管理大学莱尔分校的学生分享了他在系统工程过程中的丰富知识.

“与我一起设计和制造军用传感器的一大批博士相比,吉姆显得很突出,” said Glenn Hawkins, who worked with Dr. Hinderer at Raytheon. “和我一起工作的大多数博士在一小部分知识领域都很出色, but above-to-normal in remaining knowledge. Jim was very knowledgeable in a wide variety of all topics, and if he was in a discussion on an unfamiliar subject, with childlike enthusiasm, he went home, researched it, and was an expert in a new subject the next morning.


Dr. 亨德尔去年年底因病去世. He was born in Dallas and grew up in Athens, TX. 他于1964年获得学士学位,1969年获得机械工程博士学位, both from the University of Texas Austin. 他从1968年开始担任德克萨斯仪器公司的高级科学家,直到1997年雷神公司从他们手中收购了国防部门, where he eventually retired in 2008. 从2009年到2012年,他还担任Sabre Systems的顾问.

从1998年到2008年,他担任SMU Lyle的兼职教授. 他喜欢与家人共度时光,周游世界各地.


“When we would travel, 我们只能说他是个数学老师因为他的知识和安全许可,” said Heather Orum, Dr. Hinderer’s daughter. “He created technology to defend our country.” 

Dr. Hinderer helped develop night vision, the cell phone, a successful Navy radar program, 智能导弹可以精确制导,避开意外目标. 他帮助开发了用于猎户座飞机的技术,该技术可以监听来自船只和潜艇的声波.

“他光荣地为我们的部门和我们的国家服务,”维姬·罗奇(vicky Roach)说. Hinderer’s colleagues from Raytheon.


When Dr. Hinderer于1998年被招募到SMU Lyle教授系统工程课程, 他立即抛弃了以前的教学大纲,并根据自己的实际经验建立了教学大纲.

“His syllabus was straightforward, grounded in experience, 并且被学生们认可为包含了只有经验丰富的从业者才能提供的洞察力,” said Karl Arunski, who worked with Dr. 雷神公司的拦阻者,并聘请他在SMU莱尔教授系统工程课程. “It was a blessing to have known and worked with Jim. 作为老板、导师和朋友,他是我职业生涯中认识的最好的人.”

Arunski said Dr. Hinderer在新大表现优异,曾被学生选为系统工程专业的最佳导师. 在雷神公司,他是公司里最受尊敬的系统工程师之一.

“He was both soft-spoken and humble,” Arunski said. “Despite his quiet nature, 在讨论系统架构的正确解决方案时,他会与任何人针锋相对, design, or control problem.”

迪茨(Mike Dietz)曾是他的学生,也是雷神公司的同事. 阻碍他的个人和职业发展.

“He was a role model for me with his approach to solving problems, his systems thinking approach, his calm demeanor, and positive attitude,” Dietz said. “His classes were excellent, and he always taught the practical aspects in addition to the theory and math; his succinct ability to describe how it worked in the real world gave me a definite edge at work that I was able to apply, 特别是在新领域和新产品的工作中,它帮助我更快地学习,更好地领导.” 

When Dr. Hinderer retired, 他推荐了雷神公司的另一位同事克里斯·赖纳斯接替他在新大莱尔分校的教学工作. Rynas taught for 10 years, crediting Dr. 阻碍了他在雷神公司和新大事业的成功.


Neil Latimer, a longtime friend and college roommate of Dr. Hinderer, remembers him as kind, 总是花时间帮助陌生人,不求任何回报. 他回忆起他们在德州大学时的一个故事,当时一个数学研究生敲他们宿舍的门,要求帮助解决一道特别难的高等数学问题.

Dr. Hinderer looked at the problem, shook his head, and said that he had not even heard some of the terms used. But he wasn’t so easily defeated.

He asked the graduate student for his textbook, read through several pages, and after about five minutes reached for a pencil and paper. “Let’s try this,” he said, filling two pages with calculations.

His answer matched what was in the back of the book. As a sophomore, 他在五分钟内解决了一道高深数学题,而这道题是一群研究生在几天内解决不了的.


“他总是让事情变得更光明,更容易理解,”拉蒂默说. “多年来,我多次受益于他的建议和指导. It is a blessing to have known Jim.  我希望我们能有更多的时间在一起,但我很感激我们拥有的时间.   He will be missed.”

Orum said during Dr. 在亨德尔最后的日子里,他想感谢照顾他的人对他非凡的照顾.

“他坚持要我给他一张感谢卡,感谢医生和护士,让他们知道他们的工作是非凡的,” she said. “He knew them for only 11 days.”



About the Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
新大莱尔工程学院以超越传统界限的创新而蓬勃发展. We strongly believe in the power of externally funded, 行业支持的研究,以推动进步,并为优秀的学生提供有价值的行业见解. 我们的使命是引领工程教育的数字化转型, 同时确保每个学生毕业时都是一个自信的领导者. Founded in 1925, SMU莱尔是西南地区最古老的工程学院之一, offering undergraduate and graduate programs, including master's and doctoral degrees.

About SMU 
SMU是位于充满活力的城市达拉斯的全国排名的全球研究型大学. SMU’s alumni, faculty and nearly 12,在8所授予学位的学校中,000名学生在引领行业变革的过程中展现了企业家精神, community and the world.