
图: 艺术史辅修Swarangi Potdar, DMA-SMU美国艺术策展实习的获得者, 在达拉斯艺术博物馆展出
图: 艺术史专业和未成年人(左起:杰克逊 Covert), 维姆Kotecha, 迈克尔•里斯, 和Reyna Reyes). Herring’s Honors course on Inca art and architecture, at the site of Machu Picchu, 秘鲁.

由终身研究员教授的广泛课程, 个性化的建议和指导, 博物馆实习和研究旅行机会, 以及为你未来在艺术界的职业培训

艺术历史 trains our students to think critically and engage aesthetically with a world saturated by images. 艺术历史 majors are prepared for graduate school or a career in the arts through a wide breadth of courses, spanning from ancient Mesopotamia to Medieval maps to Impressionist painting to Afro-Futurism. Two tracks in the undergraduate major - Museum Studies and 历史 of Architecture - provide specialized pre-career training and exclusive internship opportunities. 我们的研究生(硕士和博士)接受个性化的指导, 严格的前沿理论训练, 以及新大的财政支持. Our students and alumni have been widely successful in securing prestigious fellowships, 教学奖励, 实习, 还有在博物馆的工作安排, 画廊, 商业艺术企业, 终身教授职位, 以及毕业后的其他职业.


亚当鲱鱼 亚当鲱鱼



斯蒂芬妮Langin-Hooper 斯蒂芬妮Langin-Hooper


Karl Kilinski II希腊视觉文化教授

艾米弗洛伊德 艾米弗洛伊德


副教授 and The Kleinheinz Family Endowment for the 艺术s and Education Endowed Chair 艺术史

Elyan山 ElyanJeanineHill



亚当Jasienski 亚当Jasienski



修道院Stockstill stockstill——艾比-八月- 2024




Dr. 丹尼·埃佐被任命为凯尼恩学院客座助理教授

校友 Dr. Dani Ezor has been appointed as a Visiting 助理教授 at Kenyon College for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. 在凯尼恩, 埃佐尔将教授拉丁美洲殖民地和加勒比地区的课程, 种族和性别18世纪的视觉和物质文化, 以及近代早期的生态和艺术, 在其他潜在话题中.




詹妮弗·拉菲克博士.D. 候选人. Jennifer Laffick has just returned from a month-long research trip in Brazil where she conducted research for her dissertation, “Neoclassicism's Atlantic Currents: French Painting and Power in the Early Nineteenth Century.“在里约热内卢的机构工作, 圣保罗, 和巴西利亚, Laffick investigated how French artists adapted the neoclassical aesthetic to Brazilian patrons' tastes during the 1810s and 1820s. 在里约, she also gave a presentation about the international dimensions of her research at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

lauramartin -西班牙- 2022 - 2

劳拉·马丁博士.D. 学生. Thanks to the generous support of 梅多斯艺术学院 and the Custard Institute for Spanish 艺术, Laura Martin is thrilled to announce that she will be concluding her first year in the Ph.D. 我安排了一个去西班牙的研究之旅. 她在西班牙的时候, 她将钻研档案, 博物馆, 以及各种文化机构, 沉浸在西班牙的艺术和历史中. 这些经历无疑将塑造和通知马丁的论文项目, al lowing her to make meaningful contributions to the academic discourse of the art history field. She is incredibly grateful for this opportunity and looks forward to sharing her discoveries and insights with her colleagues upon return.


简·玛丽·克里斯滕森博士.D. 候选人. 在2023- 2024学年, doctoral candidate Jean Marie Christensen pursued dissertation research through the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies/Clark Memorial Library Fellowship at the University of California at Los Angeles. She presented portions of her dissertation at various conferences including the Annual Medieval and Renaissance Symposium at Saint Louis University and the Southeastern Renaissance Conference at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


艾琳·威尔逊博士.D. 学生. Wilson’s scholarly interests revolve around paintings – particularly portraiture – and objet d'art produced in, 或有关, 在漫长的18世纪的法国. 像这样, 她将在6月的第一周去巴黎重温她最喜欢的作品, 获得新的体验, and make connections derived from the knowledge she acquired over these past two semesters.


斯蒂芬妮- langin hooper - 6 - 2024

斯蒂芬妮Langin-Hooper副教授,博士.D. 2024年2月. Langin-Hooper的期刊文章, "Making Wonder in Miniature: A New Approach to Theorizing the Affective Properties and Social Consequences of Small-Scale 艺术works from Hellenistic Babylonia,的印刷版 剑桥 《威尼斯人娱乐城》第34卷.1: 27-42.

亚当-鲱鱼秘鲁开挖- 6 - 2024

亚当·赫林教授 他继续参加卡哈马卡重建计划, a community-based program of research and excavation that seeks to document and conserve imperial Inca buildings in the town center of Cajamarca, 秘鲁.


艾米·弗洛伊德教授 最近在杂志上发表了一篇文章 法国历史上. 这篇文章是与布朗博士共同撰写的. 英国杜伦大学的Tom Stammers说, proposes a new interpretation of one of the Dallas Museum of 艺术's biggest and strangest portraits, 这幅画是在法国大革命的高潮时期画的. 点击这里阅读更多.


助理教授Tashima托马斯 received a SMU Collaborative Research Grant from the Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute for her proposal, “未来主义艺术与文学项目”,与桑德莉亚·费·史密斯合作, 英语系实习助理教授.

罗伯托- conduru 6 - 2024

罗伯特·孔杜鲁教授,博士.D. 5月4日星期六,“J. 库尼亚:热带雨林”(J. Cunha: Tropical Body) opened at the Pinacoteca do Estado de 圣保罗, for the catalog of which Dr. Conduru wrote a brief essay focusing on two works – "Codices" (Codex) and "História de Ogum" (Ogun stories) – and discussing how J. 库尼亚分享了他对巴西非洲侨民历史的看法.

伊丽莎白-希望- 2024年6月

助理教授Elizabeth Eager博士. 2024年3月, 艺术通讯 博士发表. Eager的文章“缝制到位:性别”, 物质, 以及美国早期的地图制作." The article focuses on a set of five embroidered maps of the US capital in Washington, D.C.19世纪初,弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的一群年轻女性制作了这部电影.

艾比- stockstill 6 - 2024

副教授艾比·斯托克斯蒂尔博士.D. 在2024年春天,Dr. 斯托克斯蒂尔被提升为终身副教授. 她的第一本书, Marrakesh and the Mountains: Landscape, Urban Planning, and Identity in the Medieval Maghrib, 出现在宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社的《威尼斯人娱乐城》一书中, 风景, 和社会”系列.

安娜- lovatt 6 - 2024

安娜·洛瓦特副教授,博士.D. 今年夏天,博士. Lovatt has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend to write the third chapter of her book 描绘亲属关系:当代艺术中的亲缘关系.


兰德尔·格里芬教授,博士. President Turner and Provost Loboa honored SMU's 2024 教师 Career Achievement Award Honoree, Dr. 兰德尔·格里芬, 梅多斯艺术学院艺术史特聘教授, 在4月14日的一个著名的学术典礼上, 2024.


亚当Jasienski副教授 很高兴地告诉大家他的书, 向肖像祈祷:观众、身份和宗教裁判所 (2023年5月由宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版), 被伊比利亚全球艺术协会授予2024年埃莉诺·塔夫茨奖.


助理教授Elyan Jeanine Hill博士.D. has received a West African Research Association postdoctoral fellowship to complete research in Ghana and Togo for her book manuscript. 她最近还去华盛顿做了一次短期研究.C. 参观展览 来自深海:与阿雅娜五世在德雷克西亚之后. 杰克逊.

